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Showing posts from October, 2018

It's Apocalypse Day Again

It's Apocalypse Day Again I hear the ghosts have been spooked They have left the ghost towns without I hear death isn’t looking too good They say he’s standing on his last good leg I will lie down and wait It’s apocalypse day again. I can’t see Frank’s final curtain The fat lady isn’t singing yet The tree of life is still healthy and not shivering down to a root But it’s apocalypse day today, its apocalypse day again. Will it be like my recurring dream? Just me, the ghost of Lemmy and a family of cockroaches. V Topp (Published in issue 11)

Dream Theatre

Dream Theatre This is entertainment, This is self fulfilment This is your worst nightmare This is your orgy of nonsense Blood Sweat Toil and Feeling Buy a ticket, steal one Enter into the vaudeville, the cathedral Watch and wait Waiting for a punchline Older than you are Raining dreams An island with no way off This is for the poor, no means testing Take your seats, close your eyes  V Topp

Into The Open Air

Into The Open Air The emphasis is on Joy, relief Which muscles are not reacting So appreciate this moment like it's your last A claustrophobics first gasp of fresh air. So into the open air You'd love to sneeze But you've lost it somewhere. Seeing things for the first time Well that's what it feels like 'I deserve this every minute' 'I deserve this every minute' So just before I explode, I'll hug myself The rising sun, the glowing full moon Into the open air Everything in its right place Everything is out there. V Topp


Who are you? What do you do? What do you dream of, when the curtains are closed When the blinds are drawn And you are alone with the real you Play the piano when no one is around, If only an imaginary one The real person is there at home The beautiful you, you have to hide from the world  You are not your name, You are not your body shape or face In a dark empty room Public image replaced by no image Behind the curtains and the dreams of you in the world you wished was true. V Topp

I'm Not Surprised

I'm Not Surprised I'm bored the stillness Do a Cato on me Wake up my sleeping curiosity Push me into a run Make me have to question my routines My talent is wasting away On hunger strike till the day starts to wink at me again Life is boring when it's too tame. Acting is tiring Where did excitement go? The sum of today tells me to stand up tall I need the hand of fate to slap me awake I'm a genius bored by the mundane Jump out of the shadows Give me problems and puzzles and more setbacks I'm not surprised I can dream no more Jump down from the trees Breaking all the branches Shout out for my attention When I'm lost, in the fog dead ends Boo, Applaud, Throw me an unexpected compliment Surprise my second guess, my third, my fourth.. I know the beginning, The middle, the ending Everyday is a slow death Are you surprised, I'm not surprised anymore Every taste blends into the same Don't feel the hi...

The Shadow

The Shadow I am the shadow I have outstayed this derelict shell of a supposed human being I followed, mimicked his slow reactions I will not be the understudy of a no-one I will not be in the dark side of a fool. I am the solar hermit Who wants his day in the sun The tedium is contagious Out of shape sighs No more rigid and feeble, stilted, limping, why’s I have a dance in these heels. I am the shadow Yet still I have more life in me than him He is just noise without a point I am the shadow that sits down first As sloth then puts his full weight down on me I am the shadow that lies beneath When his limp lifeless body smothers me to a tiny pin head circle He is the shadow not me.  V Topp

Your Toxic Poison

Your Toxic Poison I need to take my eyes away from your gaze My thoughts are wrong, so wrong for this time of day You are my winning temptation and I won't subscribe into fantasy this time I will hold on to my reality that will still be my best friend in the morning For the regrets are like a rash, they cover me from head to toe But I don't give into feeling sorry for myself I am a vulnerable hard nut to crack I am all over you in my ambitions I am under you in my sensual fantasitions I think about you most of the time I'm awake, like a machine that's been programmed But don't you dare join me in your dreams that would be too much of a headfuck for me to deal with Don't call me on your phone Don't waste me with your time shine You are a trap, I will resist walking on your hidden net I am your best ex ago Sometimes I feel I'll float away, I need you to keep me grounded Will you take me for what I am now, for who I am...

Choose, Choose, Choose

Choose, Choose, Choose Sneezing out solutions, Coughing up emotions, Stirring black coffee soberness, Reality pinching me. Cloud's over my eyes, Fires raging deep inside, A whirlwind of possibilities, Decide, Decide, Decide. Fear is stirred with optimism, Anger sleeps with happiness, Braveheart beats in time with cowardice, Lies twist tight the truth. Suffocating silence, Dry throated pleas for help, Long past the sanctuary of ignorance, The tremors are starting to shake. Close your eyes, Count to ten, Come to a decision? Well, count again, Choose, Choose, Choose.   V Topp

Wonder Of Life

Wonder Of Life He was obsessed with life Human and not The skeletons beneath the skins The make up the dna of life. Why there is life The power of love Does a God exist? Is hate inbred? The different songs of birds. A finger searches out his pulse A second or two after opening his eyes It never wears off with him, the wonder of life A measure of his hobby which has become an obsession No relationship he's had, has lasted. People try to run his quest down But the sceptics, the cynics don't register with him Insular Aloof Warm Friendly All these and more have been used as descriptions of him But as he spends his days narrating his findings to his Dictaphone, every minute counts Every idea/observation is recorded All though he doesn't observe as much now out in the open It's all in the mind. Level wings Active mind Own identity -be prepared to demolish it That's the inscription he hands over his writi...

Your Love Is

  Your Love Is Your love is, your love is The drug that keeps me sane Your love is your love is A gift from a higher plain Under the blanket of our love There is no where else I’d rather be You make me want the seconds to last for hours You make me love the life I live Because you are my sanctuary You are my light You are my rock when the storms are strong I never walk alone I never feel alone You are my hand to guide me You are my saving grace You are a real life miracle Carved from lifes love dna Nobody compares to you I don’t have anyone else on a pedestal You are my ballerina in my magic box of love I open the lid to past memory of you and future ones You make the light brighter than a star exploding V Topp

Modern Day Caveman And Cavewoman

Modern Day Caveman And Cavewoman The flames are laughing, arguing, seductive The words are whispered, shouted, mimed Adventure without the risks attached It's the visual party, the masks hide the real faces 'How was your day?' 'I'll tell you in a minute' That minute takes a walk, becomes hours. Images dance in the flames Without a second thought press the red button now Human moths hypnotised by the light Modern day caveman and cavewoman A mentor A companion That never answers you back Never tells you you're wrong The ultimate showman of the 21st century Smoke and mirrors glass and wires Just one more spoonful of perfection Just one more spoonful of faked sincerity Surrogate lives adopted The prison of ambition Claims another victim Modern day caveman and cavewoman. V Topp

Rage Against The Apathy

Rage Against The Apathy When I wake up I ask myself one question,  Who do I want to be today?  Who do I need to be today?  Do I wear my extrovert face,  My introvert one. Do I want to blend in or stand out. Am I to be the observer or the participator. A day isn’t worth living through if tomorrow is the day of action. I will not sleepwalk and tell time to wait another day,  I will rage, I will rage against the apathy. Do I rise to the bait and fight at the first chance?  Or do I fold my tongue and hold the words in?  Do I tell the honest truth,  Or do I utter sheer bs. So while the skin is my skin,  The face is my face,  I’m a method actor, it starts with the shoes Then I make my way up Until the transformation is complete. Am I Mr Jekyll or Mr Hyde?  I can wear a wig, shave my head, grow a beard,  Put on a limp or fake a stammer,  There just tricks of the mind. I’ve learnt a lot of lessons because I’ve made a lot of mist...

I Think I See Too Much

I Think I See Too Much   Deep sigh, Slap my face awake, hard. Will today surprise me? Probably not. The one I chased has stopped running, Somebody else got there first. Stupid little irritations become magnified, Stupid little people become King Kong to me, the ant. I walk the fine line between fragile and broken, Walking with a destination in mind but never really getting near. Hopes, nice emotions, strangers to reality, Drown youthful optimism that I still have, hidden. My skin is irritated, Tired eyes start to close. A good heart turns bad. Although I don't want to, When I'm left to my own devices, I think too much. I see too much, I think I see too much. V Topp

The Lonely Man

The Lonely Man The sweetest taste, is bitter now My purest thoughts are poisoned through The ghost of fate, keeps mocking me From every scar I've earned, in every drink I've drowned I've felt the joy of the thing called sin I've stole and bought but never received I've had my fill, my spilling cup But now I'm empty, a shell of fear and doubt. Stand not so tall now, my voice breaks up I never believed the pace would slow Now I feel the cold and I count the suns The man who wears the guilty coat should realise, That life will have the last laugh You won't outrun your lies. And now I feel what silence means, In all its taunting Looking to the heaven I don't believe is there for me anymore I always was the bad tooth in a smile But who I was isn't who I've become. Every morning I stand in front of an unforgiving mirror Life has the last laugh, Life has the last laugh. V Topp


Fractured Nobody tells you how it really is That you can't trust anyone but yourself Manipulation is decriminalised Envy is the ultimate control Life is a failure If you try to stay in light Life is a failure If your words don't back up your hide Holding out a hand for help Puckering your lips for a kiss The rumbling thunder of discontent Life is to be worshipped Life is to be cherished The hardest thing is to be good The hardest thing is to stay good at heart Is to wish everyone else well As they fracture your sense of calm Your thoughts of well being Safety is within Safety is from within Life is being at one At one with the living world we share It's alive, more alive than yourself In this short time experience we're here. V Topp

Take Me With You

Take Me With You We’re holding hands Staring at an all black sunset Life doesn’t hold any more surprises Where are we going? We will soon find out It’s our time now, our new world The tears are wasted, It’s our time now The only people that matter are us We will never grow old This life wasn’t for us We’re holding hands Staring at an all black sunset We’re falling, falling, falling Still staring at an all black sunset. V Topp

Imitation Of Life

Imitation Of Life This world is my playground, mine I lockdown the borders, I push the island away from the mainland Detached myself through choice from this fiction called life The only realities I acknowledge now are at the end of my own fantasies I create my own big bang I the creator of my own utopia I alone and with an unpoisoned mind My thoughts were always interrupted in the other place I tried to blend in but it was too high a compromise My chime didn’t fit with the mundane drone It to me is a grotesque imitation of life. V Topp